This is an old revision of the document!

The Fedaykin Captain

-[ Clan War Entry ]-\\
It's the clan war entry, what more do you want? \\

The air ripples oddly nearby.\\

    Two obvious exits: north and south.
A sign that says: READ ME\\
[Private] Backstab the Grand Martial Artist \\
A Faction board [No messages]\\
West Path. [s,w,e,n]\\
House Harkonnen Entrance. [n,s,w,e]\\
You see several lighters making their slow, soft descent from the heavens.\\
Giedi Prime Astro Port {Space ID 28 23 30}. [se,sw,ne,n,s,w,e,purchase]\\
A top killer list\\
[AT] Graham The Atreides Emperor (away Very busy working. no locations, no gtrains, no grabbing equipment, and no killing things for you - anything else? :))\\
An automatic bank teller machine\\
There is no tyto around.\\
Entrance to a Harkonnen Military Camp. [n,s,w,e]\\
A Comment board [93 messages, last dated: Mar 17 06:13, 2007]\\
A dusty robe\\
You think that the weakness of tyto is at the chest.\\
Road leading through the camp. [ne,nw,n,s,w,e]\\
Entrance to a Harkonnen Military Camp. [n,s,w,e]\\
A Comment board [93 messages, last dated: Mar 17 06:13, 2007]\\
A crooked tree\\
You think that the weakness of tyto is at the right foot.\\
You think that the weakness of tyto is at the chest.\\
You think that the weakness of tyto is at the chest.\\
You think that the weakness of tyto is at the chest.\\
You think that the weakness of tyto is at the left foot.\\
You think that the weakness of tyto is at the chest.\\
You think that the weakness of tyto is at the chest.\\
You think that the weakness of tyto is at the left foot.\\
You think that the weakness of tyto is at the right foot.\\
You think that the weakness of tyto is at the left foot.\\
You think that the weakness of tyto is at the chest.\\
-[ Entrance to a Harkonnen Military Camp ]-\\
You are at the entrance to a large Harkonnen military\\
camp. Guard towers stand on both sides of you, allowing\\
only soldiers past the gate and into the camp. There is\\
a road here that continues past the gate and into the\\
camp, forking a short distance ahead. Through the gate you\\
see men hustling about; it looks like some sort of operation\\
is underway. There is a sign here. You hear a soft mechanical \\

    Four obvious exits: north, south, west and east.
A Comment board [93 messages, last dated: Mar 17 06:13, 2007]\\
An odd-shaped rock\\
You think that the weakness of tyto is at the right foot.\\
You think that the weakness of tyto is at the right foot.\\
You think that the weakness of tyto is at the right foot.\\
You think that the weakness of tyto is at the left foot.\\
Are you ABSOLUTELY SURE you want to be a playerkiller?( [y]es or [n]o ) ? Are you ABSOLUTELY SURE you want to be a playerkiller?( [y]es or [n]o ) ? What ?\\
Please enter your password : You are now a playerkiller.\\
Note that playerkilling will be removed when you die.\\
You detach your matter-disruptor and load your neural-inhibitor into your weapons adaptor.\\
You attack Tyto\\
[IDISP] Neural-inhibitor already loaded.\\
A devitalizing laser streams slowly from your weapons accessory into Tyto.\\
Tyto's rudimentary motor functions have been highly decapacitated!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
You detach your neural-inhibitor and load your matter-disruptor into your weapons adaptor.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
You fire several Auxerre Class Uber-Rockets at Tyto.\\
You launch an electrode at Tyto!\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Your electrode fails to discharge electricity!\\
You pound away at Tyto with your mechanical fist.\\
Your artificial thermo-eyes scan your target for derivable matter.\\
Tyto shudders slightly as you drain his energy into your exoskeleton.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
You slash at Tyto but do no visible damage.\\
You are fighting Tyto\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
[  HP: 2147/2149  CP: 393/439  Power: 504761755  Target: 103%  SA: Power  ]\\
Tyto is no longer camouflaged.\\
[IDISP] Complete power transfer successful.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
You fire several Auxerre Class Uber-Rockets at Tyto.\\
Your matter-disruptor emanates a stream of molecule-distorting energy at Tyto.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
You launch an electrode at Tyto!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Your electrode fails to discharge electricity!\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
You deal a merciless blow to Tyto with your mechanical fist.\\
You shred Tyto with both hands, hacking away at him repeatedly!\\
Your cut strikes a critical point!\\
You are fighting Tyto\\
[  HP: 2149/2149  CP: 393/439  Power: 502232401  Target: 90%  SA: Power  ]\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
You fire several Auxerre Class Uber-Rockets at Tyto.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Your matter-disruptor emanates a stream of molecule-distorting energy at Tyto.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
You launch an electrode at Tyto!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Your electrode fails to discharge electricity!\\
You pound away at Tyto with your mechanical fist.\\
You shred Tyto with both hands, hacking away at him repeatedly!\\
SPEED UP = 1\\
You are fighting Tyto\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
[IDISP] Transfer power back online.\\
[  HP: 2146/2149  CP: 393/439  Power: 502078046  Target: 76%  SA: Power  ]\\
Volrath HITS you.\\
Tyto tried, but failed to run away.\\
[IDISP] Complete power transfer successful.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
You fire several Auxerre Class Uber-Rockets at Tyto.\\
Your matter-disruptor emanates a stream of molecule-distorting energy at Tyto.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
You launch an electrode at Tyto!\\
Tyto twitches as you shock him lightly!\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
You deal a merciless blow to Tyto with your mechanical fist.\\
You dice Tyto with both hands, slashing him four times!\\
You are fighting Tyto\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
[  HP: 2141/2149  CP: 393/439  Power: 499545284  Target: 77%  SA: Power  ]\\
CPU Info - You rush coolant to your implants.\\

CPU Info - You rush coolant to your implants.\\

CPU Info - You rush coolant to your implants.\\

CPU Info - You rush coolant to your implants.\\

CPU Info - You rush coolant to your implants.\\

CPU Info - You rush coolant to your implants.\\

CPU Info - You rush coolant to your implants.\\

CPU Info - You rush coolant to your implants.\\

CPU Info - You rush coolant to your implants.\\

CPU Info - You rush coolant to your implants.\\

CPU Info - A fuse blows saving an implant from damage!\\

CPU Info - A fuse blows saving an implant from damage!\\

CPU Info - You rush coolant to your implants.\\

CPU Info - You rush coolant to your implants.\\

CPU Info - A fuse blows saving an implant from damage!\\

CPU Info - You rush coolant to your implants.\\

Tyto tried, but failed to run away.\\
Tyto leaves south.\\
You are now hunting Tyto.\\
You fire several Auxerre Class Uber-Rockets at Tyto.\\
You feel the vibration on your feet of a heavy lifter's magnetic drive.\\
Giedi Prime Astro Port {Space ID 28 23 30}. [se,sw,ne,n,s,w,e,purchase]\\
A top killer list\\
A hooded Fremen with dark blue eyes oo\\
[AT] Graham The Atreides Emperor (away Very busy working. no locations, no gtrains, no grabbing equipment, and no killing things for you - anything else? :))\\
An automatic bank teller machine\\
You are fighting Tyto\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
[IDISP] Transfer power back online.\\
[  HP: 2135/2149  CP: 393/439  Power: 499515735  Target: 72%  SA: Power  ]\\
Tyto tried, but failed to run away.\\
[IDISP] Complete power transfer successful.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
You fire several Auxerre Class Uber-Rockets at Tyto.\\
You miss Tyto completely!\\

Your matter-disruptor emanates a stream of molecule-distorting energy at Tyto.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
You launch an electrode at Tyto!\\
Tyto twitches as you shock him lightly!\\
You deal a merciless blow to Tyto with your mechanical fist.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
You slash at Tyto but do no visible damage.\\
Your artificial thermo-eyes scan your target for derivable matter.\\
Tyto shudders slightly as you drain his energy into your exoskeleton.\\
You are fighting Tyto\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
[  HP: 2149/2149  CP: 439/439  Power: 496962971  Target: 79%  SA: Power  ]\\
Tyto tried, but failed to run away.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
You fire several Auxerre Class Uber-Rockets at Tyto.\\
Your matter-disruptor emanates a stream of molecule-distorting energy at Tyto.\\
You launch an electrode at Tyto!\\
Tyto twitches as you shock him lightly!\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
You deal a merciless blow to Tyto with your mechanical fist.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
You slash at Tyto but do no visible damage.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto leaves west.\\
You are fighting Tyto\\
[IDISP] Transfer power back online.\\
CPU Info - You rush coolant to your implants.\\

CPU Info - You rush coolant to your implants.\\

CPU Info - You rush coolant to your implants.\\

CPU Info - You rush coolant to your implants.\\

CPU Info - A fuse blows saving an implant from damage!\\

CPU Info - You rush coolant to your implants.\\

CPU Info - A fuse blows saving an implant from damage!\\

You hear an unsettling crunching sound.\\
CPU Info - Severe damage to icts controller detected.\\
You hear the grinding of gears.\\
CPU Info - Severe damage to nano-bot factory detected.\\
CPU Info - You rush coolant to your implants.\\

CPU Info - You rush coolant to your implants.\\

There is a tiny flash as a piece of your temporal drive is knocked out of sync.\\
CPU Info - Severe damage to temporal drive unit detected.\\
CPU Info - You rush coolant to your implants.\\

CPU Info - You rush coolant to your implants.\\

CPU Info - You rush coolant to your implants.\\

Something in your head hurts.\\
CPU Info - Severe damage to polymathematics chip detected.\\
CPU Info - You rush coolant to your implants.\\

CPU Info - You rush coolant to your implants.\\

CPU Info - You rush coolant to your implants.\\

House Harkonnen Entrance. [n,s,w,e]\\
[IDISP] Complete power transfer successful.\\
West Path. [s,w,e,n]\\
A hooded Fremen with dark blue eyes oo\\
You are fighting Tyto\\
[  HP: 2149/2149  CP: 439/439  Power: 494424898  Target: 86%  SA: Power  ]\\
Tyto tried, but failed to run away.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
You fire several Auxerre Class Uber-Rockets at Tyto.\\
Your matter-disruptor emanates a stream of molecule-distorting energy at Tyto.\\
You launch an electrode at Tyto!\\
Tyto twitches as you shock him lightly!\\
You pound away at Tyto with your mechanical fist.\\
You drag your cutters across Tyto's chest, cutting him twice!\\
-[ West Path ]-\\
You are travelling along an east-west path.  To the east is\\
the cross-roads and to the west you can see a large hole in\\
the ground. The air here is shimmering for no obvious \\

    Four obvious exits: south, west, east and north.
A hooded Fremen with dark blue eyes oo\\
You are fighting Tyto\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
[IDISP] Transfer power back online.\\
[  HP: 2096/2149  CP: 439/439  Power: 494270544  Target: 89%  SA: Power  ]\\
Tyto tried, but failed to run away.\\
[IDISP] Complete power transfer successful.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
You fire several Auxerre Class Uber-Rockets at Tyto.\\
Your matter-disruptor emanates a stream of molecule-distorting energy at Tyto.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
You launch an electrode at Tyto!\\
Tyto twitches as you shock him lightly!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
You deal a merciless blow to Tyto with your mechanical fist.\\
You shred Tyto with both hands, hacking away at him repeatedly!\\
SPEED UP = 1\\
You are fighting Tyto\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
[  HP: 2148/2149  CP: 439/439  Power: 491741190  Target: 71%  SA: Power  ]\\
Tyto tried, but failed to run away.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
You fire several Auxerre Class Uber-Rockets at Tyto.\\
Your matter-disruptor emanates a stream of molecule-distorting energy at Tyto.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
You launch an electrode at Tyto!\\
Tyto twitches as you shock him lightly!\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
You pound away at Tyto with your mechanical fist.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
You slash at Tyto but do no visible damage.\\
Your artificial thermo-eyes scan your target for derivable matter.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
You are fighting Tyto\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
[IDISP] Transfer power back online.\\
[  HP: 2145/2149  CP: 439/439  Power: 491563429  Target: 68%  SA: Power  ]\\
Tyto tried, but failed to run away.\\
[IDISP] Complete power transfer successful.\\
You fire several Auxerre Class Uber-Rockets at Tyto.\\
Your matter-disruptor emanates a stream of molecule-distorting energy at Tyto.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
You launch an electrode at Tyto!\\
Tyto twitches as you shock him lightly!\\
You deal a merciless blow to Tyto with your mechanical fist.\\
You strike Tyto with both hands, slicing him three times!\\
You are fighting Tyto\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
[  HP: 2149/2149  CP: 439/439  Power: 489030666  Target: 63%  SA: Power  ]\\
Tyto tried, but failed to run away.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
You fire several Auxerre Class Uber-Rockets at Tyto.\\
Your matter-disruptor emanates a stream of molecule-distorting energy at Tyto.\\
You launch an electrode at Tyto!\\
Tyto twitches as you shock him lightly!\\
You pound away at Tyto with your mechanical fist.\\
You drag your cutters across Tyto's chest, cutting him twice!\\
You are fighting Tyto\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
[IDISP] Transfer power back online.\\
[  HP: 2138/2149  CP: 439/439  Power: 488872904  Target: 47%  SA: Power  ]\\
Volrath HITS you.\\
Tyto tried, but failed to run away.\\
[IDISP] Complete power transfer successful.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
You fire several Auxerre Class Uber-Rockets at Tyto.\\
Your matter-disruptor emanates a stream of molecule-distorting energy at Tyto.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
You launch an electrode at Tyto!\\
Tyto twitches as you shock him lightly!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
You pound away at Tyto with your mechanical fist.\\
You dice Tyto with both hands, slashing him four times!\\
You unblocked Tyto.\\
You are now following Tyto.\\
You are fighting Tyto\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
[  HP: 2149/2149  CP: 439/439  Power: 486340139  Target: 22%  SA: Power  ]\\
Tyto tried, but failed to run away.\\
Tyto leaves south.\\
You follow Tyto.\\
Stone Passage. [s,w,n]\\
A Mansion Bulletin board [8 messages, last dated: Jun 04 11:06, 2007]\\
A hooded Fremen with dark blue eyes oo\\
Tyto leaves south.\\
You follow Tyto.\\
A stone passageway. [n]\\
A hooded Fremen with dark blue eyes oo\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
You fire several Auxerre Class Uber-Rockets at Tyto.\\
Your matter-disruptor emanates a stream of molecule-distorting energy at Tyto.\\
You launch an electrode at Tyto!\\
Tyto twitches as you shock him lightly!\\
You deal a merciless blow to Tyto with your mechanical fist.\\
You rake your cutters across Tyto's chest, scratching him once!\\
You are fighting Tyto\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto slashes your attack aside viciously!\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
[IDISP] Transfer power back online.\\
[  HP: 2147/2149  CP: 439/439  Power: 486182378  Target: 2%  SA: Power  ]\\
Tyto tried, but failed to run away.\\
[IDISP] Complete power transfer successful.\\
Tyto knocks your attack aside harmlessly.\\
Tyto leaves north.\\
You follow Tyto.\\
Stone Passage. [s,w,n]\\
A Mansion Bulletin board [8 messages, last dated: Jun 04 11:06, 2007]\\
A hooded Fremen with dark blue eyes oo\\
You fire several Auxerre Class Uber-Rockets at Tyto.\\
You are no longer hunting Tyto.\\
Tyto twists and falls backwards with a thud.\\
Your sacred weapon disintigrates before your eyes.\\
You cannot drop your cherished Fremen still-suit.\\
You are now hunting Tyto.\\
Fights aren't allowed here.\\
Your matter-disruptor emanates a stream of molecule-distorting energy at Tyto.\\
Fights aren't allowed here.\\
You launch an electrode at Tyto!\\
Your electrode fails to discharge electricity!\\
You pound away at Tyto with your mechanical fist.\\
You slash at Tyto but do no visible damage.\\
Your artificial thermo-eyes scan your target for derivable matter.\\
You get 32664 solaris.\\
You absorb the corpse.\\
HK - 43. : Djdara and Serg\\
SK - 23. : Lula and Skruideli\\
FR - 43. : Tyto\\
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::PK LIST::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\\
     Lula                     75        Sardaukar\\
     Skruideli                60        Sardaukar\\
You are fighting Tyto\\
[IDISP] Transfer power back online.\\